Question: What does Camp Lightbulb mean to you? What does Camp Lightbulb mean to LGBTQ+ youth?

I have had the pleasure of being part of the wonderful Camp Lightbulb this summer. Camp allows youth to connect with one another and support each other. I have not had much time to connect with other people this summer because things I was a part of were ending, and it is really hard to spend time in person right now. So Camp Lightbulb came up with the next best thing! They decided to have virtual camps that lasted all day where youth can connect and friendships blossom. As of now, I am in constant touch with my lovely friends that I made and have started a fundraiser for Black Trans women’s rights and LGBTQIA+ mental health that the group and I came up with at Activism and Leadership Camp. While I have been out for quite a bit of time now, I’ve noticed that many campers are only out at camp at the moment. This is extra special because it gives these kids a place to be themselves; they know it is a judgment-free zone, therefore they can be their true selves. I would highly recommend Camp Lightbulb to any LGBTQIA+ youth who needs a place to be themselves, find their chosen family, and be part of a camp where the incredible staff supports them. At Camp Lightbulb, anyone can thrive being just who they are!

Written By: Char Platt-Miller on September 8, 2020


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